How is This Not in My Music Collection?

But my birthday is coming up, ya'll! And I'm ready to be devestated by Dave and his gerry-curl. Do you think he's biting his upper lip like that because his balls are being squished all up in those tight leather pants...
Uh..I just threw up in my mouth a little bit........
Click here for more of the stuff we should all have in our music collections.
Thanks to the handsome Jeff D. for the heads-up.
coming up?
August 12th.
Mines on friday.
I wonder where Devastatin Dave is now? Probably in prison.
AW's is August 12
Mine (CD) is May 28
Only 25 more shopping days left, people! Chop-Chop!
That is some funny POO! I love that ZAP is straight across his pelvic region. LOL.
The article was hilarious. I must find that Joyce album.
the word on the street is: devastating dave died in a tragic meth lab explosion almost right after his CD tanked.
ps does anyone know where i can get the minister quartet's "let me touch him"? just for old times sake.
Suggested Shopping List for the Pope-rah Ladies:
CD: Starbucks Gift Card, Christian Louboutin's or Reece Easter Eggs.
AW: The best bourbon you can afford, a new Mercedes/BMW or VIP box for the Old Miss college football season.
That sound bout right CD & AW?
CHAOS are dead to me now. Ole Freakin' Miss????? Are you kidding me?
We got some dawgs up in here!!!!
My bad ... my memory failed me. I had it in my mind that you were fer the Rebels.
Okay. You may live to see another day my friend.
am I going to have to separate you two?
Thanks AW ...
pope-rah, might i make a suggestion (after touching the hem of your skirt, of course)? why not do a "favorite things"? and please make it something us regular folk can afford. not something i'm gonna have to take a 2nd mortgage out to buy.
that is all.
Sure thing Prettykitty. Your Play-Doh perfume is on its way as we speak!
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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